“One cannot not communicate” is a tagline often used. As a human being, I have the same with art: I can simply not not create.

Words and rhythm have always played a big part in my life. Over the years, I have written and featured in multiple books. In 2020 I self-published my debut poetry album ‘Weg met de Woorden’. A few years later, in the summer of 2024, I got published with my non-fiction debut ‘Weg met mannelijkheid’. And later that same year, in Autumn, I wrote a poetic contribution in ‘Modelverhalen’. 

As a young, queer person of color I have a unique point of view. One that I am increasingly sharing with the world through journalistic articles. I specialize in interviews, in-depth essays and long reads. 

Additionally, I have been on stage performing various forms of literature such as poetry and prose since the age of 13.

Closeup of someone writing in their notebook during poetry training


For a full overview of published works, see the carousel below. Click on the adjacent image for more info and to order the book online. Or refer to your local bookstore.


Words have set me free. Language has allowed me to create worlds completely of my own making. Ever since I started writing, I am being invited to perform these worlds of words on stage. Join me for my next performance as I continue to inspire with my poetry and prose. 

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