When in training, I prioritize creating a safe(r) space for all participants. In my experience, environments based on trust ensure the best possible invitation for personal and professional development. Each of my trainings contain elements of behavioral change, skills development, learning new strategies and identity building. Feel free to join us!
Great news!
As of May 2024, my company is officially registered as an institution for short professional education. This means all my training programmes are
Dutch or English
Creating Inclusion
Inclusion is a verb. Too often I come across organisations that have good intentions, but lack the tools to incorporate inclusivity principles at the heart of what they do. Having a D&I-statement on the website is great, but it is not going to do the work.
You have to do the work. Based on my own experience as a queer person of color, I can honestly tell you that the path towards inclusivity starts with one simple question: are you willing to look in the mirror and face what you see? Self-reflection leads to having in-depth conversations. Which could refresh group dynamics. And in turn could lead to a change in culture. With this training you will make the first steps in turning your organisation into a place where talent feels at home.
This made to measure training of half a day contains:
– The ‘Why’ of Diversity and Inclusion
– Psychology of exclusion
– From discussion to dialogue
– Group dynamics
– Organisational transformation
Practical info
When: On request
Where: In company
For how many people
: Between 8 – 12
Costs: €995* per daypart / €1850* whole day
*Excluding traveling costs and venue (if applicable). Exempted from VAT.
Dutch or English
Intercultural communication
Every job is a human job. Working with other people is essential, regardless of your respective field. Today’s society is getting increasingly complex. On every possible layer. How do you and your team perform in an increasingly diverse world?
Research shows that a diverse team performs either exceptionally well or exceptionally poorly. The key is good support and guidance. With the ‘Intercultural Communication’ training, you will work on developing the right skills, so that you and your team can move mountains.
This made to measure training of half a day contains:
– Mini-lecture culture & communication
– Cultural dimensions
– Intercultural skills
– Values
– Team management
Practical info
When: On request
Where: In company
For how many people
: Between 8 – 12
: €995* per daypart / €1850* whole day
*Excluding traveling costs and venue (if applicable). Exempted from VAT.
Dutch or English
Creative Writing
As an author, I now master several literary genres. It started with poetry. Writing poems gave my emotions a way out. Poetry allowed me to connect with myself. I then developed my journalistic writing skills, which allowed me to connect with the world. And in recent years, I have devoted myself to non-fiction prose, allowing society to get acquainted with me and my business.
With the training ‘Creative Writing’ I want to enable you to do the same. In a world that is constantly changing, it is essential to stay true to yourself. So your audience can continue the find you, and you can continue to inspire. I am convinced that authenticity is the key to that process. Be welcome and write your story.
This training of half a day contains:
– Goal setting
– Retorica
– Poet’s exercises
– A great story in five elements
– Safe space to share your work
And, as an added bonus, you will walk away with my debut poetry album ‘Weg met de Woorden’ (or ‘Away with Words’) for free.
Practical info
When: On request
Where: In company
For how many people
: Between 8 – 12
Costs: €995* per daypart / €1850* whole day
*Excluding traveling costs and venue (if applicable). Exempted from VAT.
Dutch or English
Deep Democracy
Whether it is decision-making in business, family life or in our relationships: people are bound to get hurt. At least, with the traditional way of deciding through ‘the majority rules’. Even with the best intentions, the ‘losing’ minority opinion(s) will go underground. Where they wreak havoc on the group dynamics. Which is a shame. Not only because of declining relations, but also because there is true value in the viewpoint of the minority.
Luckily, there is a way to reverse this process and include the minority perspective into the majority decision. Not only does this lead to a deepening of relations within the group, it also makes the final decision better. True inclusive decision-making is just a conflict away.
This training of half a day contains:
– Check-in
– Role theory
– Four steps of inclusive decision making
– Conflict resolution
– Throwing arrows
Practical info
When: On request
Where: In company
For how many people
: Between 8 – 12
Costs: €995* per daypart / €1850* whole day
*Excluding traveling costs and venue (if applicable). Exempted from VAT.
Dutch or English
Let’s talk Masculinity
Gender is a construct. Therefore, so is masculinity. And yet few things in life seem so rigid and ubiquitous as masculinity. The number of boys and men* openly struggling with their gender identity is rising. During this dialogue session, I use my experience as writer, coach and trainer to make sure everybody feels safe to share their thoughts and experiences. In doing so, I strive to create a meaningful environment for candor conversations. Feel welcome to join and get one step closer in renewing your masculinity.
This training of half a day contains:
– Safe(r) space
– (de)Constructing masculinity
– Sharing experiences
– Group dialogue
– Tools for your journey
And, as an added bonus, you will walk away with my book ‘Weg met mannelijkheid’ (or ‘A way with masculinity’) for free.
Practical info
When: On request
Where: In company
For how many people
: Between 8 – 12
Costs: €500** per daypart
*When I say ‘men’, I mean all men: cisgender and transgender, straight and queer, and all colors.
**Excluding traveling costs and venue (if applicable). Exempted from VAT.